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Pacific Audio Consulting


Pacific Audio Consulting

The process of designing product in one place, building halfway across the world, under tight time and cost constraints, make the hyper competitive consumer electronics business exciting, dynamic, fast-paced and challenging.

We offer consulting services for parts, materials, design, test, production and finished goods.  We have over 20 years experience throughout the audio supply chain for a variety of markets, such as consumer electronics, personal audio and pro at the component and system level.

We offer technical services and sound advice – such as how and where to get audio product and subsystems built and tested, using specific materials, down to the component level. We can create the right supply chain for your product and order size, and work with you all the way from design to selecting suppliers to entering mass production.

If you are looking for risk reduction, or a faster pace, we can review your plan or existing factories and suppliers, to offer alternatives and an independent reality check after truly hearing what it is you need.  We only take on projects that are a good fit, and if we cannot deliver value to you, we will find someone who may be a better match for your particular circumstances.